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2023年12月08日 16:54  点击:[]

张洪超/Hongchao Zhang (Ph.D.)

Emai: hongchao.zhang@hunnu.edu.cn

工作经历/Work Experience

2021.12 – 7003白菜网 7003白菜网,讲师





研究方向/Research Interests

户外游憩管理/Outdoor Recreation Management

大数据分析/Big Data Analytics

国家公园管理与规划/National Park Management and Planning

气候变化与户外游憩/Climate Change and Outdoor Recreation


期刊论文/Journal Articles

[1] Wilkins, E. J.,* Van Berkel, D., Zhang, H., Dorning, M. A., Beck, S.M., Smith J.W. (2021). Landscape preferences of visitors to an urban-proximate park: Comparing surveys to social media images. Landscape and Urban Planning. (SCI Q1 top; Impact factor: 5.441)

[2] Zhang, H.,* & Van Berkel, D. B., Howe, P. D., Miller Z. D., & Smith, J. W. (2021). Using Social Media to Measure and Map Visitation to Public Lands in Utah. Applied Geography. (SSCI Q1; Impact factor: 3.508)

[3] Xu, S.,* Wilhelm Stanis, S.A., Zhang, H., Groshong, L., & Morgan, M. (2020). Impacts of Travel Distance and Experience Use History on Visitors’ Climate Friendly Behavior and Support for Climate Friendly Management Action. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. (SSCI Q1; Impact factor: 3.986)

[4] Brice, E. M.,* Miller, B. A., Zhang, H., Goldstein, K., Zimmer, S. N., Grosklos, G. J., ... & Brunson, M. W. (2020). Impacts of climate change on multiple use management of Bureau of Land Management land in the Intermountain West, USA. Ecosphere, 11(11), e03286. (SCI Q1; Impact factor: 2.878)

[5] Zhang, H.,* Groshong, L., Stanis, S. W., & Morgan, M. (2020). Comparing onsite electronic survey distribution methods. Annals of Tourism Research, 102997. (SSCI Q1 top; Impact factor: 5.908)

[6] Johnson, D.,* Brune, S., Dagan, D. T., Meier, E., Wilkins, E. J., & Zhang, H. (2020). A holistic strategy for carbon reduction programs in parks and protected areas: Leveraging three “fixes”. In Parks Stewardship Forum (Vol. 36, No. 3).

[7] Zhang, H., & Smith, J. W.* (2018). Weather and Air Quality Drive the Winter Use of Utah’s Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons. Sustainability, 10(10), 3582. (SSCI/SCI Q2; Impact factor: 2.075)

会议论文/Conference Papers

[1] Xu, S.,* Wilhelm-Stanis, S. A., Zhang, H., Groshong, L., & Morgan, M. (2020). Visitor Attitudes Toward Climate Mitigation Strategies: Influence of Travel Distance and Experience Use History. Travel and Tourism Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research Globally, 29.

[2] Zhang, H.,* & Smith,J. W. (2020). Validating the Use of Social Media Data to Measure Visitation to Public Lands in Utah. Travel and Tourism Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research Globally, 39.

学术服务/Academic Services

学术期刊审稿/Journal Article Review

Leisure Sciences

Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism

Global Ecology and Conservation

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

会议组织经历/Conference Planning and Hosting

2018 International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Snowbird, Utah (Doctoral student co-chair of symposium planning committee)

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